End the Pressure

Just so you know- there is no physical pressure. But as soon as the responsibility feels that it is partially yours you feel it. May it be in form of raising a human or animal, having a job or from feeling judged, we all feel that energy.

It is up to us to decide what is society’s pressure and what really matters.

As a nurse (pediatric on top of it all), I felt an immense pressure to birth in the hospital, vaccinate my kid and follow society’s norms.

But then I remembered, I tried societies way. I went to all the doctors, I took the pills, I had procedures and surgeries…

Where did that leave me? With PTSD, Depression and Anxiety… and a hole laundry list of hopeless diagnosis’s.

And where am I today? A thousand times better than where I was five years ago. Not healed, but better.

So why do I care about how I mother so when it didn’t do me any help personally? It is hard to break away from societies norm because most live in a chronic depression that I no longer surrender too.

Do what makes you happy, because a happier version is the only way you can meet that healthier you that deserves to be loved.

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